How to choose colors for brand | Color concept in Graphics Design | Logo...

Concept of Colors in Graphics Design


Introduction: Colors represent the feelings and emotions in our design. So if you want to be a perfect designer then you have to understand, which color is associated with which emotion and feelings.

So in this video I will explain you, how to choose color in graphics designing.


In our graphics design software’s we have some color modes called:





Colors mode also very important to understand and we will discuss in deep but before understand the color models we must need to understand the color theory for the graphics design.


So Let’s Start

The First color wheel presented by the Sir Isaac Newton in 17 Century on the basis of natural Rambo including 7 colors.

But few days back found that the main colors that births to all colors are only 3 in numbers:




These three colors make lots of colors by combination however some most important colors that use in graphics designing are :










Now let’s some Examples: 

The first example of famous brand is McDonald’s. This logo includes two different colors one is RED and second is YELLOW.

Red color represent the focus on hot and spicy for the brand and the yellow color is represent the focus on happiness for the customer.


Now, the first question that must come in mind that the lot’s of brands serving the same products but they have different colors of logo and branding, why???


To explain it let’s take a second example:


The two companies Domino’s and Pizza Hut serving same product PIZZ but they have different color of logo branding why?



That is because Domino’s brand client’s main focus is, On time delivery with trust and faith. That’s why designer choose blue color that represent the trust and faith emotion for the graphics.


Other side the Pizza Hut brand client’s focus on hot and spicy food for customer, That’s why the designer choose red color that represent hot, grilled and spicy feelings in graphics design.


So before making any design you have to understand the focus of client for the branding and then the choose colors accordingly.   


So this was the small introduction for choice of colors for branding. In my next video, I will explain color emotion and feeling concept in deeply.

So keep watching and learning with web4click.

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