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Difference between UI and UX Design : 

If you would heard the phrase "Look and Feel", Then the easy way to understand is that the Look portion of any design is called user interface design and the feel represent the user experience. 

Until and Unless the Design is in the of Graphical or only with Coding like HTML and CSS is called user interface design. As we include jquery or any other scripting animation in the design, it becomes a user experience design.

User Interface is just a simple design or called a Wireframe, PSD, Graphical Representation. On the other hand User experience design is visual representation of that design including feel with the help of animation or effects.

Many software are available to design User Interface like : illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Indesign etc.

For User Experience design : Adobe XD, or use front end languages like HTML, CSS, JQuery.

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